I am glad to see others trying to build a Mono for Windows Installer.  

Removing un-needed static libraries could make the installer much smaller.  
Unless, you are doing embedded. Well, if you are doing embedded, you are most 
likely building mono yourself anyways.   Mono's static library is huge.    
Usually on Windows, these static libraries would have a .lib extension, but 
since these libraries were originally built using gcc, they probably have a .a 
or .dll.a extension.  If you include glib/gtk 2.0, there are static libraries 
there we do not need for gtk+ libraries.   However, keep those static libraries 
which can help re-building mono from git.

We could also save space in the installer if we only include the latest 4.5 
profile.  Another words, remove 2.0, 3.5, and 4.0..
Just my 2 cents.

      From: Alex J Lennon <ajlen...@dynamicdevices.co.uk>
 To: Alexander Köplinger <alex.koeplin...@outlook.com> 
Cc: "mono-devel-list@lists.ximian.com" <mono-devel-list@lists.ximian.com> 
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 9:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] Building Mono on Windows - And Having a Windows 
Installer again
 Hi Alex
 On 30/11/2014 15:09, Alexander Köplinger wrote:
 #yiv6734285822 #yiv6734285822 --.yiv6734285822hmmessage 
Hey Alex,
 Jo Shields is currently working on revamping the Windows Installer in his 
repo: https://github.com/directhex/newbuilder
 I contributed the WiX setup files for creating an MSI installer. Jo sent me 
this link for a preview build (the usual caveats apply): 
 That sounds great. Maybe I will try to bolt that onto the Appveyor script 
then. I'd love for the CI builds to just result in an MSI anybody can grab and 
use easily.
 Btw. while developing the WiX setup I used the binaries from your AppVeyor 
build, it all worked fine :)
 Really good to hear that thanks Alex :) 
 Can you maybe also make changes to 
http://www.mono-project.com/docs/compiling-mono/windows/ (just click the "edit 
page on github" link), so it reflects what is necessary right now to build Mono 
on Windows? I think that page is pretty outdated right now.
 Yes it's definitely on my TODO list. I was hoping to grab the content of my 
CodeProject article and massage it into that page. Things have just been so 
hectic here I haven't had the chance yet :)

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