Thank you Mr. Icaza.

Is there more information on what uses the MapAttribute than what's in Syscall.cs? Even though it's internal and I won't use it, I'd like to understand how you solve the problem of ABI compatibility.

I'd like to set up a solution where copying the files from one architecture to another simply works (assuming all dependencies from the runtime are present), and the runtime/mylib chooses the most appropriate native library (based on OSVersion and Syscall.uname) for all supported platforms. Something like:
* MyLib.dll (assembly)
* MyNativeLib.Win.x86.dll (windows native)
* MyNativeLib.Win.x64.dll (windows native)
* MyNativeLib.[dll|so] (backup for local builds)

Your solution (Mono.Unix.Native) looks different, more compact, but I'm not sure if/how it supports side-by-side. My solution requires a lot of work, duplicate code with small changes in defining the structs/DllImports with different offsets and library names.

I've yet to look into the Dll mapping mechanism of Mono if that's also suitable.

Thank you very much and for giving me the opportunity to use Mono.


On 2015-12-31 02:04, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
For something like libc, you can use an approach similar to what Mono.Posix does, where an intermediate C glue file acts as a bridge between the API differences.

See the P/Invokes for the Mono.Posix assembly, and its supporting glue code in mono/support/

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 5:58 AM, Jason Curl < <>> wrote:


    I'm investigating the best way on how to support multiplatform
    software especially when using P/Invokes, but have not found any
    reasonable advice on the Wiki.

    Can someone point to me on how to handle different architectures,
    especially when the underlying libc might use different structures
    or API signatures?

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