Hi Jonathan,

The JIT isn't using these functions for method look-ups.

mono_method_descs are mainly for embedders (and for
trivial method look-ups at some places inside the runtime).

They come handy when you want to get an overloaded
MonoMethod in C/C++:


desc = mono_method_desc_new (":Method(int, string, int)");
method = mono_method_desc_search_in_class (desc, class);
mono_method_desc_free (desc);

versus hard:

- enum methods with mono_class_get_methods ()
- check method name
- check param count
- check param types

If you're generating stubs automatically and don't
have a string description of the methods up front,
the hard way involving mono_class_get_methods () might
be better and faster.

You may want to file a bug, though.


On 03.03.2016 19:28, Jonathan Mitchell wrote:
HI Robert

Thanks for that.
I think you are right.
I call hundreds of methods that take Obj`1<T> arguments with out issue but I see that 
I have had to construct a number of helper methods to deal with cases of Obj`2<T, K> 
which failed signature resolution.

I presume that  managed code execution doesn’t involve calls to 
mono_method_desc_new() - are thunks used instead?
One of the difficulties, I find, of working with the embedded API is trying to 
visualise just how a particular managed code statement is implemented within 
the runtime.

I was hoping to be able to call the constructor from C with a pointer to a 
static (MonoString *)fund(MonoString *).
Not sure if that would even fly.

As a work around I will use an internal call.

Shall I log this as a bug and reference this thread?

Thanks a lot for replying.


On 3 Mar 2016, at 18:02, Robert Jordan <robe...@gmx.net> wrote:

On 03.03.2016 14:36, Jonathan Mitchell wrote:

I want to call the following constructor via the embedded API:

public CloudClient(Func<string, string> filePathCallback)

All my other embedded method and constructor calls work okay but there is an issue 
with this one - it is the only place I use a System.Func<T>.
The API reports that a method cannot be found for signature 
.ctor(System.Func`2<string, string>)
When I dump out the class method names I see .ctor(System.Func`2<string, 
string>) listed.

Any ideas on this one?

It looks like a bug in mono_method_desc_new ():


The function is treating

        .ctor(System.Func`2<string, string>)

like a method with 2 arguments:

arg0 = System.Func`2<string
arg1 = string>

This is obviously wrong :)

The function is then storing the (wrong) argument count
for optimization purposes, and the comparison of methods
is starting to fail:



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