The most likely reason for this is that the Mono version that comes bundled in Ubuntu (4.2.1) doesn't have 4.6.2 support. Change your project settings to target 4.6.1 instead, and it will compile.

On Monday, July 17, 2017 02:20 PM, Vaibhav Vaingankar wrote:

When I compile CSharp code on Ubuntu 16.04 using mono-complete, it failed to compile with following error

CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Object' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.ValueType' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Attribute' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int32' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt32' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int64' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt64' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Single' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Double' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Char' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int16' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Decimal' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Boolean' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.SByte' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Byte' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt16' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.String' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Enum' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Delegate' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.MulticastDelegate' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Void' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Array' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Type' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Collections.IEnumerator' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Collections.IEnumerable' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.IDisposable' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UIntPtr' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.RuntimeFieldHandle' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.RuntimeTypeHandle' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Exception' is not defined or imported

0 Warning(s)
31 Error(s)

any idea why this is so? or something is missing?

Thanks and regards,
Vaibhav Vaingankar

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