I get a: 

System.Configuration.ConfigurationException: Cannot get Type for
Alnitak.OrionSectionHandler,Alnitak() while XSP is parsing Web.config.

Alnitak.OrionSectionHandler derives from NameValueFileSectionHandler.

  <sectionGroup name="OrionGroup">
    <section name="database"type="Alnitak.OrionSectionHandler,Alnitak"
    <section name="pagePath" type="Alnitak.OrionSectionHandler,Alnitak"
    <add key="connectionString" value="asd" />
    <add key="basePage" value="/default.aspx" />

This works fine with Microsoft .NET. Am I doing something wrong or it's
a bug?

Pedro Santos <www.psantos.net>
"Si minor plus est ergo nihil sunt omnia..."

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