I agree with you 100% but "suits" want that kinda shit, I am just relating what i am seeing/hearing with
multi-billion dollar companies I consult for in Canada, they get worried about this shit, and
your rational below (I buy it), but the heads of IT's, well they need a bit more to feel comfortable.
Also remember, the US DOJ has managed to NOT hand out any justice what so ever in anything
to do with MS, the fines are simple some small part of interest on the profits they made from the
screw fest the dealt out to Netscape,Sun, etc,etc. My point is, use Mono, be happy,
and if MS comes in to screw things up, hopefully Mono steers around it, just as Linus has said
Linux can steer around SCO (if they won).


Paul wrote:


There is no right answer to this until it is tested in court. Much like SCO/IBM/Linux issue.

There is no SCO-IBM issue other than in Darl's head. Everyone and his dog agrees there is no validity in it. http://www.groklaw.net for the latest info.

To be a safe user of Mono, (much like a safe user of Linux),
you'd have to get it from a vendor that will endemnify it, and maybe
some day soon, who knows, that could happen.

Why? Just because a number of distro companies (and IBM) decide to indemnify doesn't mean anything. All it's there for is to say to customers, don't worry, use linux and we'll protect you against any trumped up charges from SCO.

Mono is also a different case. Mono has nothing to do with MS, but is
based on the EMCA standards for the language. It is using a clean
implementation (AFAIK) of the windows.forms stuff.

MS, like SCO and Linux, has no hold on mono. Use it and be happy.



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