I can only suggest the following points, that i have noticed in my travels,

1) i didnt have much luck doing a compile of mono from source,
once i got it from Red-Carpet Channel,
or more recently the RPM's for FC2/FC1 everything is smooth
2) update web.config with obvious changes (i.e. paths, etc)
3) remove all the intermediate and MS.Net development files, one type seems to bug Mono
typically all you need are the .aspx .aspx.cs *.cs *.asax it will be pretty obvious from looking in the file, if its plastered with MS wording and looks like a artifact of the IDE then store it away somewhere else.

following the 3 rules above, i have very easily got two sizable projects ported to Mono, with the only issue being Server.Transfer,
and of course the .Net projects on Mono seem to run alot more reliably.

you should key-word-search some of your words below that make up the error messages in the mail-list archive search,
I often have good luck tracking down sol'n to problems there. Also you might want to install the newest version,
check the class/methods your using against the compliance list at go-mono web site, perhaps your using one of the things
that isn't fully implemented yet?

Gabriel Enea wrote:


Could you tell me the steps you've followed to port the .net web apps to
Mono? I've tried that but I've got the next error:
Description: Error processing request.
Error Message: HTTP 500.

Stack Trace: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an
instance of an object
in (unmanaged) (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Reflection.Assembly:LoadFrom (string)
in <0x00004> (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Reflection.Assembly:LoadFrom (string)
in <0x0009d> System.Web.UI.TemplateParser:AddAssembliesInBin ()
in <0x001c1> System.Web.UI.TemplateParser:.ctor ()
in <0x0000a> System.Web.UI.ApplicationFileParser:.ctor
in <0x0003a>
in <0x00036> System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory:CompileApp
in <0x00039> System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory:InitializeFactory
in <0x00073> System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory:GetInstance
in <0x00132> System.Web.HttpRuntime:InternalExecuteRequest

Thanks a lot,

Gabriel Enea.

in porting some MS .net web apps to Mono we have had great success!! but
one thing eludes us ...

we can;t get Server.Transfer to work, so we switched to
Responce.Redirect to get some stuff to work,
but real something as basic as Server.Transfer should just work as well,
but it doesn;t and we have tried it in a couple of installed releases on
mono, but not the 1.0 beta yet,

i will still work away, and perhaps i will post a link to a zip file if
someone could try a simple example we can  created
to illustrate the problem, but if anyone has got Server.Transfer to
work, if they could post their pages and web.config ?


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