I see Server.Transfer is workin in Beta 3.0, now i have another issue,
which oddly enough was an issue to MS in 1.0 ---> 1.1 of .Net

it seems the IsPostBack was original ALLWAYS true with 1.0 (coming from a Transfer). and a bug fix (or 1.1) changed this,
i am not sure if there was ever a reason to want this functionality of always "TRUE" from a server transfer,
but now 1.1 works as one would expect,

Mono seems to have carried this 1.0 issue with it,

Is this being keep for 1.0 original compat. ?

anything i am missing?

anyone porting from 1.1 .Net to Mono with IsPostBack and Server.Transfer will be in for a bit of a code mod.
if this stays this way.


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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