
Can you please provide reproducible stylesheet and input document
as well? If possible, entering a new bug to bugzilla would be nice.

Atsushi Eno

Ariel Rios wrote:
> I have problems using XSLTTransform. I have the following
> code. I expect to be able to use the var modoAccion inside the
> xslt but it is null. The code works correctly under .net.
> modoAccion="INICIAL";
> System.Console.WriteLine ("estoy aca" + modoAccion);
> XsltArgumentList xslArg = new XsltArgumentList();
> xslArg.AddParam("modoAccion", "", modoAccion);
> xslt.Transform(doc1, xslArg,Response.OutputStream , null);
> thanks
> ariel
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