On Sat, 2005-08-06 at 12:57 +0200, Jan Waiz wrote:
> In an aspx-File i receive in the Page_Load via

> this.Request.QueryString[“ID”];

> a Paramter without any Problem.

> When trying to call an other aspx-File via:

> this.Response.Redirect( “MyForm.aspx” );
> I got an Runtime-Error:

> A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the
> client

You can disable that behavior by setting the @Page attribute
ValidateRequest to false. It's value is set to true by default as a mean
to protect programmers from themselves. If you set that to false you
have to know what you're doing with the input you get. Specifically,
UrlEncode/UrlDecode or HtmlEncode/HtmlDecode the values before sending
them back to the user to prevent XSS attacks.


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