I too find it appealling to use C# in place of perl, etc.
I am not sure what your asking can happen with the mono distro.
you could however, if you don't want to just have
as a "pair" and use the exe to execute your script, that goes without saying.

i guess you could make a shell script that woud say

monoscript my_script.cs <arg1> <arg2>

that would compile it to a temporary file /tmp/csexe_<uniqueid>.exe (in tmp?)
and run the exe with the args essentially giving you what you want
and removing the tmp exe when done ?

no different then

perl my_script.pl <arg1> <arg2>

just that "monoscript" is this shell beast you write, which would be a few 

except you would have to know how to "make" your exe based on whats in the *.cs 
and not what would be in a Makefile, for its libraries ?

i would personally love to see more movement in this area .. i.e. mono/C# as a 
scripting language!
maybe in the end it just needs to be formalized by someone at mono?


On Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:02:49 -0500
Abe Gillespie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I was wondering if there's any easy way to run C# scripts in Mono. 
> I'm fairly new to Linux (just at about a year) and I'd like to avoid
> learning yet another language (Perl, sh, etc.).  Has anyone written a
> .Net program that takes a file as input and runs that code?  Perhaps
> Mono can do this natively?  How cool would it be to have startup
> scripts written in C#?!
> Thanks for the help as always.
> -Abe
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