This article, with at least a bit of (hopefully accurate) research behind it,
seems to state a shocking conclusion:


"My conclusion is that Microsoft has lost its confidence in .NET. They 
implement very little of their own code using .NET. The framework is provided 
as part of the operating system, but this is so that code written by third 
party developers can run on Vista without the large download of the framework. 
Supplying the .NET runtime for third party developers in this way is similar to 
Microsoft supplying msvbvm60.dll as part of XP."

now seeing this,
is it possible, by the time Vista comes out, that a linux OS distro at that 
time (Feb 2007?)
could in fact have (epecially if gnome installed) MORE ".Net" to it then
even  MS's new OS line of Vista?

Mono could end up being more relevent for linux - then  .Net is to Vista. Who 
would have ever guessed
that 3 years ago!

Mono-list maillist  -

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