> Please don't use pastebin for mailing list posts, as those
> pastes usually expire too soon to be useful for other
> people looking for the same problem in the future.

Yes, you're right, didn't think of that.

BTW, I commented the following line:

text.CssClass = CssClass;

On my Render method, and the exception isn't thrown.

Here's the code:

public abstract class StringEditor<T> : BaseEntityFieldEditor<T> where
T : IDescriptable {

        #region Fields & Properties
        protected TextBox text = new TextBox();
        public string Text
                get { return text.Text; }
                set { text.Text = value; }
        public bool Enabled {
                get { return text.Enabled; }
                set { text.Enabled = value; }
        public int Length {
                get { return text.MaxLength; }
                set { text.MaxLength = value; }
        public bool ReadOnly {
                get { return text.ReadOnly; }
                set { text.ReadOnly = value; }
        public TextBox TextBox {
                get { return text; }
        #endregion Fields & Properties
        #region Events
        protected override void OnInit( EventArgs args )
                text.ID = TargetName;
        protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter writer, T t, int
renderCount, bool flipFlop )
                text.CssClass = CssClass;
                foreach (Control control in Controls) {
        private void SetCaption(T t)
                if (Page.IsPostBack && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(text.Text)) {
                        // let's just use the post back value
                text.Text = GetCaption(t);
        #endregion Events
        #region Abstract Members
        protected abstract string GetCaption( T t );
        protected abstract string TargetName { get; }

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Robert Jordan <robe...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Pedro Santos wrote:
>> http://pastebin.com/m214a6c22
> Please don't use pastebin for mailing list posts, as those
> pastes usually expire too soon to be useful for other
> people looking for the same problem in the future.
> Robert
> _______________________________________________
> Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com
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Pedro Santos
Home - http://psantos.zi-yu.com
Work - http://www.pdmfc.com
The future - http://www.orionsbelt.eu
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

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