> From: mono-list-boun...@lists.ximian.com [mailto:mono-list-
> boun...@lists.ximian.com] On Behalf Of Ernesto Rodriguez
> I compiled mono 3.4.0 from source but the only instance of mscorlib.dll I get
> is located at:
> lib/mono/2.0/mscorlib.dll

Sounds like a failed build to me.  I would suggest first "make clean" and then, 
I like to chain all the configure / make commands with && so if any of them 
fail, I can actually see that in the output.

./configure && make && sudo make install && echo "" && echo "" && echo "Build 
Succeeded" && echo ""
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

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