I would love to hear of an 'official' way to do this... but what I do to use XS 
on OS-X:
First, you do have to configure and make the first time as this stands up your 
build/dev environment.
I have updated the local classes .csproj files with the matching 
xxxx.xxxx.dll.sources files for the classes that I work on personally as those 
Make include files are the gold standard otherwise the configure/make would 
fail and a lot of the .csproj files are just plain busted (at least in the 
public git repo). I wrote a simple app that does that for me, hand 
fixing/editing 68 entries for something like Mono.CSharp x 10 other classes 
will drive you insane, to get drunk and bald, I am only two of those things 
right now... ;-)
I also use the project hint path on the references to point back to the 
"mcs/class/lib/net_4_5" directory (FYI: I'm only working on 4.5 in my case) so 
I will pick up the 'local' mscorlib, etc.. that I manually reference in the 
FYI: Running/debugging items with your build environment using the local mono 
wrapper ensures that you are grabbing the right runtime, libs,etc... (look in 
the runtime/ dir for the mono-wrapper script) to see how the machine.config is 
The best source for understanding how to run apps with this build is the 
compiler-tester in mcs/tools as you have to have to dogfood the compiler using 
what you built, from the native binaries (mini-mono/sgen/bohem/...), and the 
non-modified class libs and then of course your modified versions.

In XS/MD you will then have a startup project (say the mcs compiler in my case) 
that references the class project that is also in the active solution and 
flagging it for t use local copy vs the hint pathing to the one in the 
class/lib/xxx dir allows you to run/debug your class modifications.

Remember, that is my way, nothing official, but it works for me...


From: argemat1...@gmail.com
To: Mono-list@lists.ximian.com
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 09:58:36 +0200
Subject: [Mono-list] contributing to mono with monodevelop

Yesterday I tried to start with some small contribution to the mono class 
library, and failed miserably in the setup process. I checked out the sources 
from github, but I was unable to find a valid solution file, which allowed me 
to edit the framework in monodevelop. All the readmes I found were either very 
outdated or centered on VisualStudio.
Is there some sort of howto for this matter?

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Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

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