In my 'about' dialog on my app I display some useful information for
diagnostics.  Meaning useful when someone reports a problem.  Currently
it display things like the base OS, service packs/patches, and other
various information that end uses can copy/paste into a bug report.
I'm wondering what the best information to show about the mono runtime
is?   If someone reports a problem it would be really useful to be able
to say "that problem is already fixed in a later mono build".   On the
mailing lists and such people often talk about "r77343" which is the svn
revision.  Is that revision compiled into the runtime in some way that
can be extracted at run time programatically?   Is there something
better?  (Other ideas would include perhaps taking the build date of one
of the core mono dlls or something).

  Thanks in advance for any ideas!

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