Emile Snyder wrote:

Is it worth looking at cvs bugs on the main branch, or is the cvssync branch going to supersede it? Is cvssync close to merging? Is cvssync stable enough that I should try to figure out bugs on it, or is it still in flux and I should just let Christof do his thing?

I can't answer the other questions, but cvs_import will (unless there's something I've not heard about) stick around. It'll always be faster than cvssync and for people converting to monotone and not planning to go back, it's all they need.

Unless I'm mistaken, there's only the rearrangement invariant left. See http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/monotone-devel/2005-04/msg00387.html for all I know about that.

Jon Bright
Silicon Circus Ltd.

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