Derek Scherger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> certainly, given the same args and possibly --local option, commit,
> status, diff, revert should all act on the same things!

Sure. Without path spec on the entire working copy, else on the
path(s) specified.

And, as said, after taking the pain of abstracting the internal model
of monotone from the filesystem paradigm at all, thus making them
pretty much orthogonal, I think it's an appealing idea to let the UI
just behave like any other *nix tool.

Among the automatic benefits, a smoother learning curve, predictable
behavior and letting users take advantage of shell globbing are just
some examples. I think others could easily be found, especially in
scripted environments, where committing or diffing might be just one
of the tasks to be performed on a given file or path list.

Regards, Bruno.

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