In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Tue, 24 May 2005 19:39:15 +0300, Stanislav 
Karchebny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

berkus> In recent talk with msh on irc i proposed some solution to
berkus> movable tags:
berkus> 1) Use case: we have a development model where tree is tagged
berkus>    prior to building so that buildscript can fetch the
berkus>    appropriate sources given only software version number
berkus>    (e.g. build 1.2.3 makes buildscript fetch tag ver-123 and
berkus>    so on). Sometimes builds fail and we fix the source and
berkus>    re-tag a new version with the same tag (since its going to
berkus>    be the same version anyway).
berkus> 2) Proposal: version tags similar to how we version the files
berkus>    themselves.  So a tag on revision X can be moved to
berkus>    revision Y specifying that its ancestor revision was X.
berkus>    Then different tag moves in different trees can be tracked
berkus>    and resolved using pretty much the same merge conflicts
berkus>    resolution.

Movable certs aren't really possible with the distributed nature of
monotone.  Basically, the old position of the tag might always came
back and bite you.

However, if you read the manual (and have a recent enough monotone.
I'm not entirely dure if it's present on 0.19 or not), you will find
that it's possible to select for arbitrary cert name and value
combinations.  So using your own cert (say, "X-build", following the
tradition of prepending a "X-" to anything unofficial), you can mark
any revision you like with some version number, and then have your
buildscript look for the latest occurence of that value.  A
combination of 'monotone automate select c:X-build=m.n.e' and
'monotone automate erase_ancestors' should do the trick.  I've planned
on doing something like that, just haven't quite gotten to it yet.


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Richard Levitte                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
 the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
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