In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 21:27:27 -0700, Nathaniel 
Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

njs> On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 05:18:29AM +0200, Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker 
njs> > monotone>        (ALIAS(import,setup)): Add setup alias.
njs> > 
njs> > I violently disagree with that particular detail.  To me, importing is
njs> > something very different from setting up a directory for use as a work
njs> > directory.
njs> Mm.  The problem is that the "setup" command's actual
njs> functionality is much more like importing than like setting up a
njs> directory for use as a work directory.

Really?  I don't agree, but maybe it's old 'cvs import' fostering that
affects me.  As far as I can tell, 'setup' is there to create new
projects, while (in my opinion) import should import a new snapshot of
something to a potentially existing branch, taking into account things
like files that have disappeared since last snapshot (and should
therefore be dropped).  See contrib/

njs> In paricular, the problem is that people keep thinking that if
njs> they want to start working on an existing project, they should do
njs> "setup; checkout".

Huh???  Why do people think they should setup for an existing project?
I'm a bit baffled here.  And I'm a bit baffled that I haven't heard of
similar problems with other SCMs with similar functionality...

njs> It would be handy to have a "import" command that did the
njs> equivalent of "setup && add .".

As already pointed out above, 'add .' isn't enough.

njs> It would also be good to have another name for "setup"; it keeps
njs> tripping people up and screwing up usability.  "new_project"?
njs> "create_project"?

I like "create_project".


Richard Levitte                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
 the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
                                                -- C.S. Lewis

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