On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 12:00:57PM +1300, Matthew Gregan wrote:

> > ...  61265920 monotone_BLOB.db
> > ...  87126016 monotone026.db
> > ... 167739392 monotone025.db

> > So rosters shrunk the database by 50% and BLOBs shrink by another 30% !
> That's not the effect of rosters that you're seeing, but just a fresh pull
> of the database,.  A modern version of monotone helps too--there have been
> some fixes to make sure we use deltas in a few cases where we weren't
> previously.

I ran a similar experiment with some of my dbs:

              0.24    0.26pre1 0.26pre1+blobs
              ----    -------- --------------
n.db          468     480      368
otec02.db     356     380      296
rm00.db       263896  264100   195536
rm01.db       626376  626624   463724
rm02.db       348000  348564   258428
rm03.db       301440  301832   223584
rm04.db       197240  197400   146128
rm05.db       209912  210028   155472
mp_ll.db      132     152      132
lko01.db      29888   29928    22196
lko03.db      90524   90672    67216
              148     164      132
ar.2006.db    21384   21400    15848
ar.db         416     456      352
              1656    1748     1164
b             76      84       72
ps.db         284     308      252
bsite.db      104     116      92
ackup_mail.db 204     220      168
sts.db        728     772      600
              2093232 2095428  1551760

fresh 0.24 pull, copy, db migrate, and db rosterify for both 0.26pre1 and


Jack (John) Cummings                           http://mudshark.org/
PGP fingerprint: 0774 D073 E386 B70B 6B16  2D2B 1DD8 F8B0 CCF0 FAEE
Now playing on Prime:    Prologue (Apprehension) -- Apocalyptica
Now playing on Remedial: Mother Earth Is a Vicious Crowd -- Live

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