In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 00:11:51 -0500, Yury 
Polyanskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

ypolyans> Well I think per-file certificate is something that doesn't
ypolyans> fit in monotone's model (certificates are attached to
ypolyans> revisions not files).

I think they're called "attributes" :-).  Howard did say he is new at

ypolyans> In fact I think current implementation with
ypolyans> get_linesep_conv() includes every other model. IF only I
ypolyans> could check for "merge_manual" attribute from inside the
ypolyans> hook. As nobody answers I assume monotone doesn't have
ypolyans> internal mapping filename->attributes which can be checked
ypolyans> from hook.

I think your guess is correct, and that's a shame.

ypolyans> BTW, I don't understand all the buzz about bad binary files
ypolyans> handling.  Maybe monotone COULD improve heuristics about
ypolyans> detecting binary files but in any case user has complete
ypolyans> control over the process by setting manual_merge attribute.

As it is right now, it does the wrong thing.  When you commit,
read_localized_data() is used to read the contents of each file.  That
function checks the values returned from get_linesep_conv(), and if
they differ, it will have the lines split and then joined using the
first of the two values returned by get_linesep_conv().  As you just
said yourself, there's no way to check if the "manual_merge" attribute
is set for that file (as far as I understand).

ypolyans> Overall I see two problems with line endings by now:
ypolyans> (a) conversion should not touch CR's if I want to convert
ypolyans>     LF's only.

I'm playing with that, even though I disagree with the principle.

ypolyans> (b) it should be possible to check for manual_merge
ypolyans>     attribute from hook

Agreed, big time.  (I only disagree with the attribute name, but
that's a minor issue)

ypolyans> (c) default get_linesep_conv() should return {"LF",
ypolyans>     SYSTEM_SEP } for all files which are not marked by
ypolyans>     manual_merge attr.

I disagree with the return value.  No hook should be able to say what
the internal line ending should be.  In my opinion, it should only
return SYSTEM_SEP.  And for completeness, it should be able to return
"" to say that this file shouldn't be touched.

I must say that I feel nervous handing the decision to a lua hook.
There's the strong possibility that a user somewhere will get
"creative" and that chaos will follow.  If there's an attribute saying
that a file shouldn't be transformed, the internals of monotone should
be able to detect that and avoid doing anything with that file.

ypolyans> That I think would satisfy everyone and does not (except for
ypolyans> b) imply a great change in current code.

OBTW, you mentioned a while ago that files with no line ending at the
end of the file would get one added because of the way
split_into_lines() and join_lines() work.  I've been playing with
that, and it's a lot tougher to change than you might think.  The diff
code depends on this behavior, and possibly the merge code in as well.  I'm currently playing around with the diff
code, and frankly, I cringe at the thought of touching the merge code
for this...


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Richard Levitte                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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