On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 21:53 +0200, Lapo Luchini wrote:
> Is there a practical size limit to a versioned file?
> A few scenarios come to my mind:
> a. no limit: the file is read, elaborated, and put in database in chunks
> or something like that
> b. one copy: enough memory is needed to contain the whole file, but no
> more copies are needed
> c. a few copies: 2-3 copies are needed in memory (e.g. 1 file buffer, 1
> working object, 1 query for the DB)

(1) For netsync to work, the compressed (gzip) size of the file must be
less than 256 MB. (Actually I *think* this only applies to the initial
commit, since after that we just send deltas. But the deltas will still
have to be <256MB.)

(2) We tend to keep several copies in memory, I think about 4-5 or so.


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