On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 09:43:02AM +0930, Vesselin Kostadinov wrote:
> The real filename looks like path\to\FILE.EXT
> mtn annotate path/to/FILE.EXT works OK
> mtn annotate path/to/File.ext crashes

Right.  There are basically two issues here:
  -- monotone doesn't know about case insensitivity (for a variety of
     reasons, especially that many users have case sensitive
     filesystems, and those users that don't may all have different
     _sorts_ of case insensitivity (esp. once you get outside ASCII)).
  -- there was a bug in 'annotate' where it didn't check correctly
     that the file being annotated actually existed, and give a
     friendly error message.  I just fixed this on mainline.

So now you will see something like:
  mtn: misuse: no such file 'path/to/File.ext' in revision 

Maybe this isn't what you actually want to see, but systematically
dealing with case sensitivity is very hard, so I'm not sure how to
actually do better :-/.

-- Nathaniel

In mathematics, it's not enough to read the words
you have to hear the music

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