Nathaniel Smith wrote:
int count = 0
while (still_running() && ++count < 10) {

while (still_running()) send_sigkill();

Ew, indeed, that's no fun (and not very portable, either).

Hrm... maybe we've misunderstood each other. Qt comes with generalized terminate() and kill() commands which should work on any platform (as long as mtn automate stdio reacts on the Windows event WM_CLOSE in Windows mtn builds, see [0]), so its more, umm, the weird behaviour / implementation of it what sucks. What comes now is Qt interna, just for your understanding. To reinit stdio with a new working dir, I basically need to:

a) call process.terminate()
b) register a signal/slot for a timer after which I can check if process.terminate() succeeded (since the main event loop of Qt has to be executed further so I can check process.state() for being set on NotRunning) c) if in the slot I configured in b) I see "oh, still not terminated", either terminate again and check again (after another signal coming from the timer), or trigger kill() d) now, in order to check if kill succeeded, I need to wait again for the timer slot e) if I finally really know that the previous process has been exited, I can do process.start("mtn automate stdio") again while giving it the new working directory before (of course there is another signal which informs me that the new process has been successfully started before I can feed him any data)

Now, from outside I just like to have an "init()" or "reinit()" function which actually waits until all steps above have been done, but this is not possible in Qt, since the best I can do here again is

a) call init() (which returns immediately)
b) configure a slot() which informs me that the initialization is over so I can continue...

Now you probably say "why don't you do it that way?" - well, because of two things:

1) Why kill a process just for the sake that the process should act on a different working directory? Other programs change their working directory all the time. 2) Code-wise: Configuring signals/slots in Qt makes the whole app much more "wired", if you do it a lot you actually don't see what all these things do "connected" like the few lines of pseudo code I gave you in the last email do instantly. Signals/Slots are a nice concept in general, but in this case this adds much verbosity and wiredness to the code. Probably just a Qt problem, of course.

So since I'm in the middle of both things (I asked some Qt guy before and he told me "use signals/slots"), and since implementing a working dir change on your side seems to have more side effects as I initially thought, I probably need to go the ugly code way...

Sorry for this longish answer, I hope I could clear it up a bit.

I have a third idea to suggest: what if we just added an "exit" or
"die" or whatever command to "automate"?  Then one could conveniently,
deterministically, and portably kill off an automate stdio process,
without all this mess with signals.  Just issue the command, then wait
for the pipe to be closed instead of a response.

This would obviously be trivial to add on the monotone side of things;
would it be a complete and convenient solution on your end?

Again, if WM_CLOSE is correctly interpreted on Windows mtn builds as equivalent to SIGTERM, Qt should do the trick and there wouldn't be any need for such a function. But thanks!



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