Okay I just went though a huge nightmare of an update...

first update, some path to create already existed, and monotone complained that could not create it.

I moved that path away from beign in the way, and tried to update again.

directories and files were left in _MTN/tmp which I had to get rid of...

then the directories which had already succeeded in being created in the update existed, and monotone again complained that directoreis existed it could not be updated (these were updated before it got to the final destination that existed in the first place)

So I removed those, (after tracking them all down, and trying to be careful so as to not lose changes in other files around the same location)

I ended up going through the update, remove some directoreis, clean _MTN/tmp about 5 times before I got this tree updated all because there was originally a directory that existed that could not be created - it wasn't even the case that some file existed in the place of a directory, the directory itself did exist....

This is all in 0.27 windows binary build.

Although I am liking not having to be in the root of the working directory (with no processes (such as visual studio) locking other directories) and being able to update from pretty much anywhere in the working directories under windows now, I notice that things left in _MTN/tmp are not properly destroyed (or reveted back to their original location) under windows.

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