I've written a team plugin for Eclipse. It currently has only the bare
necessities. With it, you can:
- Share a project not currently under revision control.
- Mark an existing monotone workspace as being managed by monotone.
Both of these are achieved by right-clicking on the project, and
selecting Team -> Share Project. Once you've told Eclipse it's a
monotone project:
- You can add files
- Deletions and renames will be tracked automatically
- You can commit
These are all also done via the Team context menu. There's lots still
- No push/pull support, merging, anything except that stuff above.
- No decorators (so not little pluses on the icons of added files, etc.)
- No file history support
- It could be a lot prettier
- It won't handle certain situations well (moving a file between
projects, projects which are composed of multiple workspaces, stuff like
- Coffee-making facilities woefully lacking
The code is also not wildly pretty. This is also the first time I've
written an Eclipse plugin, or touched SWT. So I've probably done whole
reams of stuff wrong.
To use it, you'll need a 5.0 JRE and Eclipse 3.2 (it might work with an
older Eclipse, but no promises). To install it:
- Back up your workspace. I don't think it's going to do anything
horrible to it, but I'm also not the person who has to explain to your
boss why you had to spend three days resurrecting your config.
- In Eclipse, select Help->Software Updates->Find and Install
- Select "Search for new features to install" and click Next
- Click "New Remote Site"
- Enter name "mtteam", URL "http://discord.ensued.net/mtteam", click OK
- Select mtteam in the list of sites to search, click Finish
- Select mtteam from the list of features to install, click Next
- Accept the license (GPL2), click Next
- Click Finish
- Read the security warning carefully, decide to trust me with your
first-born anyway, click Install
- Restart Eclipse when prompted (might not be necessary, but let's
play it safe)
To get the source:
mtn --db=... pull ensued.net net.ensued.*
There are three branches:
- net.ensued.mtteam, the code for the plugin itself
- net.ensued.mtteam.feature, the Eclipse "feature" for the plugin
- net.ensued.mtteam.updatesite, the Eclipse update site
Patches, suggestions, bug reports etc. welcome.
Jon Bright
Monotone-devel mailing list