Derek Scherger wrote:
When I say team -- share project on the checked out source I select
monotone as the type and it says "This project is already a monotone
workspace. Click Finish." When I do this I get "An error occurred while
sharing the project: Reason: Invocation of the sharing action failed"
clicking Details shows java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException.

That is probably another exception wrapped in an InvocationTargetException.

Any ideas?

The code is also not wildly pretty.  This is also the first time I've
written an Eclipse plugin, or touched SWT.  So I've probably done whole
reams of stuff wrong.

I've never done this either, but I have fiddled around with an intellij
plugin for monotone so I have a vague idea of what needs to happen and
I'd love to see this working well so I'm happy to help.

To use it, you'll need a 5.0 JRE and Eclipse 3.2 (it might work with an
older Eclipse, but no promises).  To install it:

I'm running an older 3.2.0 M20060629-1905 build under the sun 1.5.0_06  jdk.

To get the source:

mtn --db=... pull net.ensued.*

I had to add --key="" to get this to work.

There are three branches:

 - net.ensued.mtteam, the code for the plugin itself
 - net.ensued.mtteam.feature, the Eclipse "feature" for the plugin
 - net.ensued.mtteam.updatesite, the Eclipse update site

Got 'em all... now I just need to look at them and see what the feature
and updatesite things are all about.


We've already agreed on a partial rewrite to improve the monotone interface layer. It probably also needs better error recovery.


-- Ulf

PS: We're all three newbies to Eclipse Plugin Writing.

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