On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 11:10:14AM +1000, Daniel Carosone wrote:
> Graphviz is a funny thing; sometimes the best way to get clearer
> display of "too much information" is actually to include *more*
> information.  For example, if there was an edge (dotted, invisible
> even, and with a low weight) between propagate nodes to the same
> "other branch", this might help graphviz organise the layout better.
> I suppose unless you know something about the ancestry relationships
> of those nodes, those links better be invisible.  If you *can* show a
> real ancestry relationship (without showing intervening paths), all
> the better.

I played with this a long time ago - what I did is to connect all "out of
branch" nodes that are on the graph together with their nearest ancestor
by breadth-first search.  This winds up sucking for the mainline branch
(you get about 37 lines heading down the graph at any one time), but
for side branches I think it works out quite nicely to show some of the
structure that's not on the graph.

Attached is the .dot file for net.venge.monotone.lua-testsuite.  The
dotted lines show out-of-branch relationships.

*** Brian Downing <bdowning at lavos dot net> 

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