Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> And, we need to pick a date.  If you are at all interested, even a
> little, in attending, then please go to the wiki page and use the
> ingenious code posted there to indicate what dates are probably
> possible for you!

Though I (think I) have the proper C++ skills I didn't dive into
Monotone code very much yet, but I definitely would like to, and
face-to-face contact with other developers sounds like the best way to
do it, and sounds fun too.

I still have to ask my boss for a week off work, but that shouldn't be a
very big problem (I hope).

My main constraint about it is to define the logistics and get the
AIRPLANE TICKET in time enough to have a fair price for it.

E.g. right now it would be around 410 EUR for San Francisco and 530 EUR
for San Jose (we're speaking of that Mountain View some 50Km from S.Fr.
and some 30Km from S.Jose, is that so? there are some other 5 or 6
cities with the same name...), but that is likely to increase quite a
bit if booked near the flight date.

So, please, everyone interested just update the wiki page with your
preferred dates ;-)
(or if you don't feel like using the wiki just send me a private e-mail
and I'll update the page in your stead)


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