I have to state a vote.

I had lengthy discussions with CVS on similar topics, and resorted to
hacking my own CVS to work properly, that is, if a text file has \r\n, keep
\r\n, do not convert to \r\r\n.
If a text file has \r or \n in some sequence [\r\n]* this is an end of line,
if \n's exist multiply, there are blank lines.  (unless you're on a MAC that
uses \r for newlines?!)

If a file is checked in and developed by a developer which is using both
windows and linux, her tools will of course support both cases for files in
both environments which must be developed in either.

There is little requirement for conversion, and eventually, conversion is
self recursive.

On a note from some windows programmer that appreciated the conversions when
checking out linux-like sources to have 'notepad' work as a browser; While
some days I can agree, in the end, one must make sacrifices and call a goat
a goat, and know that you need to use a smarter tool than notepad to deal
with text files.

Linux tools rarely care about the presence or absence of \r's... they're
redundant other than the classic teletype need to send a carriage return
before the line feed.  If you sent the line feed first, then the carriage
return wouldn't have enough time to happen before processing a the next
character, and the letter would strike before the head reached the return
point.  Sometimes I wonder if people actually learn from history at all...
Modern equipment rarely even requires a carriage return, being of a digital
nature, you cannot gain cheap effect like <b>BOLD</b> by sending
'BOLD\rBOLD\rBOLD really ...' to a printer device... thermal and laser
printers will not gain any effect because there is no ribbon.

I actually cannot think of a sane reason that I would ever want a line feed
without returning to the start <cr>

In the end, I'm sure everyone will disagree, the developers will say it
works good enough, and it'll remain broke, lest the break what already works
fixing something that isn't broken.

Unless you expect users to be lame and use notepad to edit text files, never
open a file with fopen("file", "t" );  but always specify the flag
fopen(file, "b");  even under linux environments this does not hurt.  If you
mean text, say text, always read binary and disregard \r as whitespace.
disregard also \n as whitespace.

Nothing seems to have a problem not converting tab charaters into spaces.

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