th wies schrieb:
> i have a myres.rsrc file created with ResEdit in os9
> classic mode. by nature this file has only a resource
> fork. data size is zero. after checkout from the
> database, the resource fork is gone :(

I have to admit that I never heard of this feature, I just learned about
it by querying Wikipedia [0]. As far as I've read it is possible to have
two-fork files on os9 (data and resource fork) and even multi-fork files
on OSX. Now the interesting questions are:

1) Is the data fork always the file's content and can therefor be read
out just as "normal"?
2) Are there command line utilities available which can read out/write
multi-fork files?

If the answer to both is yes, one could probably hack something together
which sets the resource fork of a file as attribute file on checkin and
on update/checkout reconstructs the file the other way around. The
neccessary hooks for monotone are documented here [1] under 6.1.10.


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