Hi Maxim!

> If use curillic file name recursive addition is used does not work. 
> If to specify a full path to a file then it it is added. 
> If there is a cyrillic name of the directory that it in general it is
> impossible to add in workspace. 
> Under Linux all works normally

Unfortunately monotone's support wrt encodings under some filesystems is
still very incomplete. The bug you mention here is a known bug, however
one which is very nasty to fix properly, basically because there are so
many things to look for. There exists a wiki page,
http://www.venge.net/mtn-wiki/FileSystemIssues, which should list all
major issues, however nobody could actually find time and resources to
get this done right yet.

Sorry to say, but you're only safe with US-ASCII for now... :(


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