Stephen Leake schrieb:
So, its actually this way: If a file is dropped (status "dropped"),
'path' is the path in the old roster. If a file is added (status
"added"), 'path' is the path in the new roster. If a file is renamed,
'path' is either an old or a new path, depending if there is a
'new_path' stanza (then its an old path) or an 'old_path' stanza (then
its a new path).

I find this confusing.

Perhaps it would be less confusing if we change it to work the way I
stated it above; then the output of 'automate inventory' is more
directly related to the state of the filesystem and manifests.

I think the 'path' usage is quite understandable. It never brought up any complaints even for the old, line-based format, where the path had the same "multi-meaning". But we may want to work out old_path and new_path a bit, or, if it is altogether too confusing, leave it out and display node ids as it was implemented before.

Although I'm not sure what that means for missing and dropped files;
they don't exist in the filesystem.

Thats why the output interweaves entries from the old and the new roster.

Perhaps 'path' should be absent if fs_type is 'none'. And perhaps 'path'
should be 'fs_path', to be consistent with 'old_path'.

Then the stanza should start with 'status', since there needs to be a
line that reliably starts a stanza; parsers should not rely on

Personally, I don't like this idea. IMHO a stanza should always start with something that identifies the upcoming data, like a path, or at least a node id or something. The status string is not at all usable for that.

You've also confused 'stanza' with 'line'; I think 'stanza' means
'group of lines'? I need to write that up ...

Sorry for that, I meant line. I'm not a native english speaker, so sometimes things like this happen.

As a sidenote, I thought about having two rename states,
"rename_source" and "rename_target", but then decided against this
because what the item actually is, is implicitely told by old_path
and new_path (just like before through the node ids). But maybe its
not that a bad idea to make this more explicit, I dunno.

In general, I think it's better to be explicit, as long as it doesn't
get overly verbose.

Ok, I will change this.


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