Hallo list,

just dwonloaded the binary
Turns out to be unusable on my Debian testing. Every now and then I get
this error:

$ mtn commit
mtn: beginning commit on branch
mtn: error: failed to convert string from ANSI_X3.4-1968 to UTF-8:
'2007-09-07  sebastian  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The text is something I have written to _MTN/log in emacs22 and is
definitively UTF-8 encoded (if emacs is right, and it always was). The
precompiled version 0.35 was always fully functional.

I had an related error before:

$ mtn status
mtn: error: failed to convert string from UTF-8 to ANSI_X3.4-1968:
'material/Portal für Sebastian.pdf'

By that time I thought mtn might be right, but stupid on non-UTF8
filenames only. I changed back to mtn-0.35 and renamed the file.

Than I changed to mtn-0.36 again to test my fresh compiled guitone
(which is great BTW, because my designer could use it even :-) and got
the error mentioned before.

Sad thing...

My locale setting is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oh, BTW, I just filled the poll on the git homepage. And when I thougth
about it: The main reason why I use monotone is because of the clean,
intuitive and simple UI and the perfect documentation (that gave me a
realy easy start, so I could keep doing my work), and, last but not
least, this friendly and interesting mailinglist! Thanks for monotone.
Great, great tool. happy happy ;-)

Is there a demand for german translations (documentatio, UI), that would
be something I could give 2 or 3 (even a little more) hours a week for,
to give something back. I promise: my german is better ;-)

Sebastian Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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