On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:12 PM, Stephen Leake wrote:

Richard Levitte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:22:43 +0200, "Julio M. Merino Vidal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

jmmv84> Using plain text messages will make one think twice before
jmmv84> doing that, because he'll have to explain *why* he is
jmmv84> committing that at once.

I totally agree with that.  There are numerous messages saying that
the programmer fiddle with this and that function, created a new one,
removed an old one, but NOT ONE WORD about the overall change, its
intention or its reasons.  Basically, that makes for crap

On the other hand, that is the way we typically work. I often notice
"little things" while I'm working on one "big thing". Would it be
better to _not_ fix them? Or do one commit for each little thing?

I'm not saying that they do not to be fixed. They indeed have, but those *unrelated* changes have to be committed separately. The cleaner the changesets, the easier it is to later cherrypick/merge/ review/understand specific changes.

Documentation belongs in .texi files, not in commit messages. Commit
messages should help you find when a change occured, and give
pointers/hints about why, but the real reasons should be in more
stable form.

Agreed; but ChangeSets are not a design document either. Commit messages should explain the reason behind a change or an outline of it, not what the change exactly did (because the latter is already available in the diff and the change's meta-data!).

Of course, if that change is important, it should be documented somewhere else to prevent what you mention below.

Otherwise, you can get oscillations; "changed to a linked list because
it's faster on Windows", "changed to a red-black tree because it's
faster on Gentoo" etc. If those comments were in a design file, it
would be obvious what's happening. If they are just in the commit
messages, it's much harder to notice.

Julio M. Merino Vidal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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