Michael Haggerty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> (I've already made this offer [to cooperate in adding mtn support to
> cvs2svn] to Markus Schiltknecht but he doesn't seem interested.)

I suspect because cvs2svn isn't incremental.  So it's a way to do a
one-time conversion of a CVS repository, but many people really want
to do incremental conversions, following a CVS repository as it

However, it clearly has a place.  It's pretty fast, and as you say,
copes with all the horrors of CVS.

And the new version does a decent conversion to at least git (which is
close enough to mercurial/monotone/etc.), though I think it creates
many unnecessary branches.  (This is a specifically git thing, and I
guess is a matter of taste.  I think cvs2svn is creating branches in
order to construct revisions corresponding to CVS tags.  But then from
git's point of view the branch doesn't really need a name, since the
tag's pointing to it.  So I think I'd leave off the branch.)


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