On 9/28/07, Werner Schulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Pull org.openembedded.dev (over night)
> - console output (morning)
> finde Elemente zum Synchronisieren:
> mtn: Bytes rein | Bytes raus | Zertifikate rein | Revisionen rein
> mtn:    105,1 M |        505 |    72.601/72.601 |   18.140/18.140
> mtn: Fataler Fehler: std::runtime_error: Netzwerk-Fehler: recv failure:
> Die Wartezeit für die Verbindung ist abgelaufen

I regret to say that this is probably not more than a cosmetic bug in monotone.

I don't speak German, but I suspected that "Die Wartezeit für die
Verbindung ist abgelaufen" was a kernel failure message, so I looked
it up in glibc's message translations, and indeed: it means
"Connection timed out" in English.  This is a normal network condition
-- for whatever reason, your computer and the server stopped talking
to each other before the pull was finished.  If you do it again it
will probably pick up where it left off.

It is definitely a bug in monotone that this network condition gets
reported as if it were a bug in the program, but unless we can somehow
prove that monotone is screwing up its own protocol in a way that
makes it get stuck in the middle, it's no more than that cosmetic
problem.   If you try again and it gets stuck again at the same point,
I'd suspect network hardware in between you and the server (buggy NAT
hub, for instance?) before I went looking for protocol issues.

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