On Thu, Oct 11, 2007 at 11:25:34AM +0200, Markus Schiltknecht wrote:
> Thomas Keller wrote:
> >Is there a general interest of doing another summit next year - maybe
> >again in January/February?
> LOL, I was just thinking about it and that we should start organizing 
> such a thing if we are heading for the same time of the year...

If anything, it's probably on the late side to be organizing for
January/February, so people probably would want to get on it quick...

> >You know I couldn't attend to the last / first one this year, but I'd
> >really like to make it this time. But since I'm even more broken than
> >last year all I could afford is something in Europe. Opinions?
> To be able to meet everybody in person, I'd favor a single event, as 
> opposed to multiple local ones. OTOH that's certainly more expensive. 
> Any chance of getting some sponsorship again? Maybe for an event in 
> Europe? Asking Google Switzerland? ...
> If we can't get funds for a worldwide event, we should better try to 
> organize local gatherings. But let's check for funds, first.
> I'm certainly willing to help organizing.

My problem is that I'm probably not up to helping much with the
organization this time -- I'll certainly be interested in coming,
though!  Sponsorship was very helpful, but it's not a necessary thing.
The hard and urgent part is finding space and picking dates -- last
year, of course, Google gave us space and some money towards lodging,
so that determined the space part of things.  (The other options I
thought about were either borrowing space from a friendly company that
is less massive than Google, which companies are much easier to find
but it's much harder to get space during weekdays; or else lodging in
a hotel that had free wifi and at getting one suite that could serve
as a work area during the day.)  (You also want to think about
transportation issues -- in Europe I guess there is generally public
transportation?  Basically just making sure that there is some
sensible way for people to eat during days without requiring elaborate
load-everyone-in-a-car stuff.  Google, of course, made this

I would not be surprised if Google were willing to offer space again,
or there are other options like above.  I don't know that Google's
non-Mountain View campuses are set up for anything like this, but I
don't know that they aren't, either (though there'd be no Leslie
there, obviously :-)).  Whoever decides to make things actually happen
would of course get to make final decision on all these things, Europe
vs. other continents etc. :-)

-- Nathaniel

Details are all that matters; God dwells there, and you never get to
see Him if you don't struggle to get them right. -- Stephen Jay Gould

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