"Nuno Lucas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Feb 9, 2008 11:47 AM, Bruce Stephens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>> git bisect has no connection to cherry-picking, as far as I know.  git
>> bisect is just a scripted way to do "git checkout" for a sequence of
>> revisions.
> I stand corrected. One shouldn't talk too much about things without
> full knowledge, which seems a bit of habit of myself :-(

I should probably also have said that "git checkout" is approximately
equivalent to "mtn update", so "git bisect" is just about doing "mtn
update -r<#>" for various revisions.

(i.e., like many of these common terms, git's interpretation is
different.  Probably gratuitously so in this case.)

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