
Zbigniew Zagórski wrote:
> From my recent tests it appears that:
>  - lua
>  - pcre
>  - botan
>  - sqlite3
> build without any problem on mingw/msys with simple
> ./configure --prefix=/mingw ; make ; make install

Cool, good to know.

> Jack: are you interested in making botan compliant to standard
> "configure/make" scenario ? I know it's overkill sometimes but making
> configuration script names "configure" and supporting --prefix option
> would be very convienient for some ad-hoc builders.

That's exactly the line of thinking I'd like to encourage: if our
dependent libraries don't build on other systems, help them with their
build system. That's much more in the open source spirit than coming up
with our own one - as we currently do. (Although I think botan is a bad
example here, because its build harness looks quite thought through and
tested on several platforms - certainly more than monotone currently has).

> PS. I would like to test this "library-build" branch on mingw, is it
> buildable at least on some common platform like linux ?

Checkout the branch net.venge.monotone.library-build. Expect having to
fiddle with autoconf et al. Corrections and improvements very welcome.


Markus Wanner

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