The other method is to make a quick commit with --branch=program1
branch pivot_root  < program1's new root directory> old_root - will
put all files in the root into old_root and make the program
directories current.  You can then use mtn drop to drop old_root.

this is bad, in that you cannot propagate to this new changes to the
common trunk... but if you're really just making a new trunk, but want
to retain the revision history, as long as you do not ever propagate
between these, it's not so bad.

Oh I guess the more important direction is that you cannot propagate
from the pivoted branch to the main, as it would inherit the pivot.  I
really this the pivot point should be handled differently....

maybe someone could make a new operation that is a sensible 'make this
point in a branch a seperate branch, which I can propagate to and from
the main trunk (only changes to files within that branch basically)'

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 6:45 AM,  <hend...@topoi.pooq.comhendrik> wrote:
> Let's say I have some code checked in along some branch.  Over the year
> it has evolved so that it has become two separate programs, that don't
> share any code any more, and make sense to develop independently.
> Evidently, it makes sense to make two branches, one for each program.
> The obvious way is just start new branch(es) and in each branch delete
> all the files now belonging to the other.
> BUT.  If years down the line, someone wants to include both these
> programs into another project, I don't want the merge saying, let's
> merge all these changes.  Looky here, all the files of each branch have
> been deleted on the other.  There's nothing left!  And that someone
> mysteriously end up with no files instaed of all the files.
> Is there a better way to split a project?  If not, should there be?
> Or,
> Am I worrying about nothing?
> -- hendrik
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