2010/4/14 Stéphane Gimenez <d...@gim.name>

> Hi,
> I've been following your discussion, and I tried the nice features in
> this changlog editor branch.
> First remark: mtn status ask for my password and it's rather
> inconvenient (I'm not using ssh agent). Same for mtn commit just after
> it's invocation and prior to the real commit.

Hrm.. I hadn't noticed that but I'll take a look.

> > I wouldn't call it ChangeSet but Parent, simply because it is the parent
> About this, I find 'ChangeSet: xxxx' really confusing, one could
> think of 'xxxx' as an id for the changeset. The good old 'Changes against
> parent xxxx' looks better to me.

In my current workspace I've removed the Parent: lines from the top of the
revision header and have used Parent: xxx for the changeset sections which
avoids printing the parent lines twice. I'll post an example a bit later.

> Since you want to know about what users think... See below for what
> I'd like to see in my editor. I think it's pretty self explanatory
> and compatible with most of the ideas you came up with.
> ########
> Revision: 595feb9f09d68da0559e4f7ace01f5294090210e
> Parent:   803a401fd7a2703b5edc416155fbbdba0b287eb4
> **************** REMOVE THIS LINE TO CANCEL THE COMMIT *****************
> ------------- or fill the following area with certificates -------------
> Author:   m...@wherever
> Date:     2010-04-13 17:52:00
> Branch:   net.venge.monotone.experiment.changelog-editor
> ChangeLog:
> ------------------------- end of editable area -------------------------
> Changes against parent 803a401fd7a2703b5edc416155fbbdba0b287eb4
>  patched  README
> ########
> And, mtn status or mtn log would display the same, just remove '***'
> and '---' lines (plus empty lines around those).
> Also, it would be nice if the editor was invoked with option '+13' to
> position the cursor just after the ChangeLog line. It seems to work
> with vim, emacs and nano.

Interesting. I hadn't noticed this option before but I agree. I have been
wondering how annoying it would be to have to reposition the cursor before
entering the ChangeLog message and being able to put the cursor right where
it needs to go seems very good. This is a simple matter of a change to the
lua hook to pass the appropriate arguments.

Anyway, whatever you choose, thanks for all this!

Thanks for the feedback.

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