Thomas Keller <> writes:


That's a nice tool. Amazing what is out there!

I guess we'll need a mechanism for assigning bugs to people, so we don't
duplicate efforts. That could be as simple as announcing "I'm working on
bug x" on the chat line, but something with a little more accessible
history would be nice, so someone joining late can tell what's already
being worked. 

Is there an online editable wiki we can use?

Or maybe an hourly email, with one person keeping track of who is
working on what. Along with a current score of who has closed the most
bugs, just to keep the competition going :).

Ah; we can post comments on the bug via the Savannah web page (if you
have a Savannah account), or via email. That should be sufficient.
Although that makes it hard to look for the next available bug; you have
to view each one.

Or we could just assign a range of bug numbers to each person a priori,
but that's not likely to be very efficient.

-- Stephe

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