
What do you think about internalization of software like monotone ? I
know that there are few localizations (currently INST_LINGUAS = sv it
de es pt).

I am wondering if there is for more translation - at least I can
easily add polish translation. But i am worried about two things:

1) Would anyone use it ?

I know that amongst developers (at least professional ones), there is
strong movement to use english-only UI/termsinstead native ones -
ad-hoc created terms create only confusion and thus are problematic
(at least polish IT/CS terminology/vocabulary is week) . YYMV but in
my experience- use only english terms.

So then ... I this experience is similar to yours?

2) Do you encountered any "non-developer" users of monotone or VSC /
SCM who would need / understand and use these ideas ? Do you (authors
of these translations) use them ?

And last final question:
Are there any polish people on list who would like to see polish
messages in monotone UI?

Zbigniew Zagórski
/ software developer / geek / http://zbigg.blogspot.com /

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