One slight deviating point about breaking BC with au stdio... I feel what ever applications we provide that use it should strive to cope with BC breakages. E.g. Monotone:AutomateStdio works from 0.35 to the current release as does mtn-browse which relies on it.

Hopefully though with the changes made recently to stdio, future changes will be additive :-) (fingers crossed).

Why did I go to this effort? Apart from the obvious it was also because at work they are on version 0.39 of mtn as any higher breaks the `direct access to db version of monotone-vis', the later au stdio version of monotone-viz for some unknown reason runs MUCH slower on our db, too slow to be of any use :-(. Other companies/people may have similar issues. And monotone-viz is one of mtn's killer apps...

I like the idea of attaching a specific significance to a change in major/minor/patch level number. Makes it much clearer for the user.


Ethan Blanton wrote:
Derek Scherger spake unto us the following wisdom:
1) if a release only consists of bug fixes or has small, not BC-breaking
improvements (esp. in respect to automate), raise the patch release

2) if a release has bigger improvements or breaks BC, raise the minor

3) if a major flag day introduces major new things or we've rewritten
90% of monotone (:)), raise the major number.

I think that pretty much agrees with is referenced by various
other projects.

I'd modify this somewhat, for monotone, because *network*
compatability is quite possibly its most visible feature.  Perhaps
something like:

Major version bump -> netsync incompatability (or major features you
                      don't want people to miss)
Minor version bump -> database upgrade required (or ...)
patchlevel         -> bug fixes, minor changes, user can upgrade
                      without concern toward databases or

This is along the lines of typical library versioning, with minor
versions indicating link-compatible changes, and major versions
requiring relinking.  (The binary compatability prose in the Apache
page above.)

That said, versioning is *way* bikeshed.  Everyone has their own
opinion on how it should be handled.  I think the important thing here
is to pick *something* meaningful and stick to that meaning.



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