On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 01:00:29 +0200
>>>>>> "Lapo" == Lapo Luchini <l...@lapo.it> wrote:

Lapo> Mhh, there are hooks for attribute handling, but "out of the box"
Lapo> I fear monotone is not much more capable of versioning a
Lapo> whole /etc without problems (for more or less the same reason
Lapo> that darcs says).

I see...

Lapo> Though it is not really a "versioned host configuration"
Lapo> solution, I change those file little enough that hand-merge is ok
Lapo> (also, for me it's more an issue of "I forgot that cute option I
Lapo> used on the other hosts" that real versioning).

Well, my desire to keep /etc under (D)VCS is coming from the time when
I was using Gentoo and (too) often my system became broken after
update, and it was pain to quickly restore it back into the working

Archlinux is much better and more stable in this regard, but still....

Lapo> Let me know if you happen to manage something better-or-easier
Lapo> than this, though. =)




Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA

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