Hi all!

As everything cooled down a little again I thought it might be
worthwhile to talk about and plan the things we want to see done for
1.0. I added a couple of entries in the RoadMap already
(http://wiki.monotone.ca/RoadMap/), feel free to expand and / or comment
on these.

After we talked about what we want to see / have for 1.0, we should
probably talk about _when_ we want to do these things, i.e. also how
much man power we have, and that will probably lead us to a reasonable
release date.

I don't know how your current plans are, but I have a bit spare time for
several things over the next couple of weeks and it might even be a good
idea to hold of one or two small weekend sprint to really bring several
things forward.

Beside implementation issues, bug fixes and in-tree documentation
changes, these things come into my mind, which are all not directly
connected with the pure tarball release:

* finally get the buildbot working, so we have a stable release
  infrastructure again

* review the most important parts of the wiki and bring them up-to-date,
  many pages are still horribly outdated there or simply non-relevant

* improve first-level documentation and tutorials, especially since
  I expect that the 1.0 release might get noticed by a broader audience
  which also includes new users, so it would be totally cool to make
  their entry into the monotone world as easy as possible

(extra bonus point: move mailing lists over to monotone.ca, i.e. get
 rid of the last dependency we have to nongnu.org)

I'm open for ideas and help offers in all of these areas - the thing is
just that I want to act a little less pushier, i.e. not constantly poll
you guys to deliver certain things :)

If this means however that a release by the end of this year is not
possible, then its ok as well. But I have to inform you that I will give
the project lead / release manager hat over to Thomas Moschny earlier
than originally anticipated in this case (i.e. before the 1.0 release),
simply because other things are probably calling too loud for me in Q1
that I can no longer ignore them...

Thanks for reading,

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