On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 08:55:42AM -0500, Stephen Leake wrote:
> Hendrik Boom <hend...@topoi.pooq.com> writes:
> > Rereading the tutorial for the first time in years I discovered the llovely 
> > command 
> >
> > $ mtn db init --db=:beth
> >
> > in section 2.3, which creates a database in a standard location, 
> > normally $HOME/.monotone/databases
> >
> > I immediately tried it out, and created
> >
> > ~/.monotone/databases/onion.mtn
> >
> > And, of course, I then wondered how to delete it again.
> >
> >
> > Now I get to ask -- does monotone keep any information on this 
> > database  outside of the database itself and the _MTN directories in 
> > its workspaces.
> No, that is the only persistent storage mtn uses.

That's what I expected, but didn't know.

> > Because if not, I can delete it with a simple
> >     rm ~/.monotone/databases/onion.mtn
> Yes, that suffices.
> Unless, of course, you have synced it somewhere.

Of course.

> -- 
> -- Stephe

Thank you.

-- hendrik

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