On 09/05/16 20:42, Markus Wanner wrote:
On 05/08/2016 01:57 PM, Anthony Edward Cooper wrote:
Just a quick announcement to say that new versions of mtn-browse and
AutomateStdio have been released.
Cool, thanks for the heads up.

The latter now provides support for
Monotone version 1.10
I think you rather mean version 1.1. Out of interest: what changes were
necessary to support 1.1 (versus 1.0)?
Are I'd assumed that since historically the versions were to 2 decimal places that was a truncated 1.10 rather than 1.01 etc. Anyway yes I'm referring to the latest official 1.1 release :-).

The changes for AutomateStdio centred around erase_descendants() and the extra rev arg to get_attributes(). Mtn-Browse's changes were simply the inclusion of the min() and not() selector functions. The main work in mtn-browse was fixing breakage introduced by Ubuntu/later Linux versions etc. I'll have to give it a spin on the latest Ubuntu LTS that has just come out (tested on 14.04 KDE 4.x and Unity as well as Debian 6 and RHEL 4).



Kind Regards

Markus Wanner

"Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much."
Oscar Wilde.

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